April Showers Need Our Superpowers

We hope that, by now, you are familiar with our Safe & Clean program servicing downtown Modesto six days a week. Our staff of five Downtown Experience Engineers (whose job it is to engineer a good experience for downtown patrons) are not only responsive to calls for assistance but also actively clean and maintain the district, including work on urban infrastructure such as storm drains. During this winter’s atmospheric river events, our downtown streets would have been flooded, making it difficult for pedestrians to navigate the urban area that is inherently designed for walkability, but our staff has been providing enhanced maintenance of downtown storm drain inlets for the last seven years, approaching them with true grit and elbow grease. In the fall and winter months, the Downtown Experience Engineers can be seen cutting apart and removing tree roots, trash, and debris plugging these drains, and providing the opportunity for stormwater to flow through the system as it was intended. Making a downtown experience that is truly welcoming requires additional time and resources the Downtown Modesto Partnership provides as part of our regular operations.

If you ever need assistance with safety or cleanliness, contact our crew by sending a quick email with the issue and location to service@domopartnership.org

How it works: All team members’ phones will sound off instantly like an alarm, and the staff member closest to your named location will be there as quickly as possible.

Hours of operation:

M-F | 5 am - 9:30 pm

SAT | 12:30 pm - 9:30 pm

SUN | closed


New Downtown Music Series Created by Downtown Modesto Partnership and Modesto DID


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